The Prepper's Challenge

3 years between posts?.... ah, oh well, that’s the story of my life! Better late than never.

One of the quilting blogs I follow,  Patchwork Times,  by Judy Laquidera, has issued a challenge of sorts to her readers!
Judy’s posts include hints about her cooking, sewing, gardening, and raising chickens on their small farm.  One of the things she does mention frequently is the way she and her husband prepare the foods from their garden and are always making sure they have needed items on hand, because you never know what circumstances may bring.

The challenge that Judy has issued to  her readers is a “Preppers Challenge”….  A monthly challenge about being prepared  for any situation.  Each challenge will last for an entire week. This month’s challenge is using the groceries you have on hand for all your meals and snacks.  Each day Judy asked us to post a response to her website about our abilities to use things on hand. 

The Essential Question is:
Can we go all week without a visit to the supermarket, convenience store, fast food drive thru, restaurants, or a vending machine for any food we consume?

Phil and I are prepared, and my family will say we are “preppers”, I say we are prepared for any circumstance! We like to do some canning, and do purchase things in multiples! So we are supplied and ready for anything, I think! We are just entering into hurricane  and summer storm season, so there are things need to have on hand for any situation.

This challenge will be easy me; for Phil, not so much. He enjoys a quick visit to the local grocery store to check out the BOGO’s and daily specials.  He has even been known to get a craving for something new, or get and idea along about midafternoon, and then run to the store to pick up the ingredients for the meal. I have to admit, he’s excited about the challenge, but did go to the store yesterday for a few things he just might need!

This morning I started the challenge started early for me.  I am bringing the desert for our Mother’s Day dinner.  Everything came from the pantry and freezer.  It really is nice to be able to make something and NOT have to stop in the middle to borrow or buy the needed ingredient. 
I know, I cheated with the pie crusts, but I don't think anyone would eat my pies if I made the crust from scratch!


  1. It will be a challenge, but I am up to it. She is my Queen, and I am somewhat housebroken.

  2. What a great challenge! I have been doing a similar thing while grappling with the migraine o'doom. I've been trying to eat us out of the freezer and pantry.

    1. Its nice that you are able to eat out of the freezer and pantry, especially when you are not feeling up to par. Hope the headache finally subsides .


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